5 Character Traits of Successful Escape Room Players

Today we’re going to take a look at what traits players need to win at Escape Room games. There are several different types and it’ll be interesting to see which one you consider to be your strongest one. We see a lot of different personalities here at Escape, we welcome all of them – question is, which one trait do you have that could win you the game?


Yes, it is only 1 hour in the Escape Room, however, in that hour you may be tempted to give up and go home. After all, although the game isn’t phenomenally hard, it isn’t easy as pie either, what you will need is resilience to see it through to the end, so you’ll get out within the 60 minutes. If you have resilience in your character, you already have a distinct advantage.


Are you determined? If you’re a determined person, then you have a really good chance of getting out of here in one hour because there’s nothing like a determined person to play a game like this. It requires all the determination you can lay your hands on, to find the clues, to find them within the allocated time, to not lose them, and then to figure out what they all mean so you can get out within 60 minutes. Yup, determination is a definite advantage as a character trait.


Are you stubborn? This isn’t always seen as a positive trait to have, however being stubborn enough to keep on trying even when everyone else is on the verge of giving up is really helpful rather than being seen as a hindrance. Be stubborn to your heart’s content, it’s what will get you out of the room. 


Are you a naturally curious person, interested in everything, with a passion for adventure and excitement? Well, the Escape Room Games will be just up your street and is the game for anyone with a natural streak of curiosity running through their veins. 


Can you stay in control, or are you likely to lose your temper? Hopefully, you’ll hold it all together and come through the other side. After all, being on the cusp of losing it or being the sort of person who loses the will to continue only after a short time won’t be the kind of player for the Escape Room Games. If you panic easily, if you get anxious and start getting hysterical, not good. You need to be of a calm demeanour, a seriously cool cat with oodles of self-control, it’s what will see you through to the end. 

Escape London – Take your best traits and bring them to the Game.

Our Escape Games are suited to the character traits we’ve listed above, and we know you’ll have a great time while you’re here. Book your themed room online or over the phone and we look forward to seeing you here, whichever type of personality you are, and don’t worry if you don’t think you have the above character traits – you may surprise yourself and find some you didn’t know you had